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How To Download And Install Eclipse In Mac

diascenurab1984 2020. 11. 4. 06:48

How to Install Eclipse IDE 2019-12 for Java Developers. 1.1 How to Install Eclipse on Windows. Apr 17, 2020 Download and install that if you haven't done so before. Download, Install, and Run JDK and Eclipse. Check Java Version on a Mac.

  1. How To Install Eclipse
  2. How To Download And Install Eclipse In Mac Os
  3. Install Eclipse On Mac
  4. How To Download And Install Eclipse In Mac Air

Eclipse is a popular IDE that supports a lot of different operating systems and programming languages. Eclipse supports the Python programming language and development for operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc. In this tutorial, we will learn Python IDE installation for operating systems Windows, Linux with eclipse installer and repository.

Install Java or JRE

Eclipse IDE is devleoped with the Java programming language. This means in order to run Eclipse the Java or JRE should be already installed if not we will install the JRE or JDK for Linux and Windows like below.

Install Eclipse

After installing Java or JRE or JDK we will start the Eclipse IDE installation. Python IDE for Eclipse is not provided directly with Eclipse installation. So first we will install another IDE like Java for the Eclipse and then we will install Python IDE from the marketplace. Following instructions can be used for Linux and Windows very similar.

How To Install Eclipse


First, we will download the Eclipse IDE 2020-03 from the following link for the 64-bit version by default. The current operating system is Windows but we can select other operating systems like Mac OS X, Linux, etc.

We will be redirected into the following web page which provides the installer named eclipse-inst-win64.exe .

For alternative operating systems like Linux and Windows use the following page which provides the same experience to download the Eclipse IDE.


Eclipse installation for Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Mint, Kali, CentOS can be done in different ways. Repositories can be used to install Eclipse IDE but generally, the repositories provide older or outdated versions. The best way is to use the Eclipse Installer from eclipse.com.

We will be redirected to the followin web page where the Eclipse installer is provided as a tar.gz file. We will download the eclipse-ins-linux64.tar.gz file like below.

After the download is completed we have to extract the tar.gz file to run installation executables. We will use the file browser extractor to extract like below.

After extracting the installation files we will navigate into the folder eclipse-linux64 directory like below and click to the eclipse-inst script like below which will start eclipse installation process.

Below we will see a list of programming languages and development environments like Java, Java Enterprise, C/C++, Web and JavaScript, PHP etc. We will select the programming language we want to install for Eclipse. In this example we will select the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers

Eclipse ide for mac

When we select the Java Programming Language we will see the following installation screen and some basic configuration. Java 1.8+ VM specifies the JVM path which should be higher then Java 1.8. Installation Folder is the path where Java IDE will be installed.

During the installation or at the end of the installation we may be asked to accept the given licences which will look like below. We will just select Remember accepted licenses and then click to the Accept button like below.

When the Eclipse installation is completed we will see the following screen where we can launch the Eclipse IDE for Java by clicking to the Launch button.

Install Python IDE For Eclipse

First, we will open the newly installed Eclipse from the desktop shortcut or command line. For the first time, we will see the following screen where we will set the workspace for the eclipse project.

Then the eclipse will be opened like below. Python IDE is provided as a 3rd party extension with the name of the PyDev. We will open the Eclipse Marketplace from the Help menu like below.

How To Download And Install Eclipse In Mac Os

We will see the Eclipse Market place screen like below. We will search for the python keyword from the Search tab which is default. The PyDev extension will be listed like below. We will click to the Install to start installation .

How To Download And Install Eclipse In Mac

Install Eclipse On Mac

We will be asked for some selected features where we will leave the default and click to the Confirm like below.

In the next step we will Accept the PyDev licences like below and lick to the Finish.

How To Download And Install Eclipse In Mac Air

When the installation start the Market Place will be closed and the installation can be tracked from bottom right corner of the Eclipse main screen like below.

When the installation is completed we will see the following message where we need to restart the Eclipse in order to start PyDev Python development environment.

Windows, Mac and Linux (Ubuntu):

  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE (we recommend to use Eclipse Oxygen 4.7). You might want to create a new workspace for your LSP projects.

  2. Download Drools and extract the zip archive to any folder.

  3. Install JBoss Tools 4.5.0

    • Run Eclipse IDE.

    • Select Help > Eclipse Marketplace….

    • Install JBoss Tools 4.5.0.Final

  4. Install Drools:

    • Select Help > Install New Software….

    • In the Work with: combo box type: http://download.jboss.org/drools/release/7.3.0.Final/org.drools.updatesite/

    • Click Select all.

    • Make sure the checkbox “Contact all update sites during install to find required software” is checked.

  5. Create Drools Runtime:

    • Select Window > Preferences > Drools > Installed Drools Runtime > Add… .

    • Choose any name and select the folder binaries of the drools archive, you have installed in Step 2. The version is determined automatically.

    • Click OK > Apply and Close

  6. Create Test Project

    • In Eclipse switch to the Drools perspective (upper right corner).

    • Choose File > New > Drools Project

    • Now you can choose to create a new project with example files and click Next.

    • Enter a project name, select the drools runtime created earlier, and select Add a sample HelloWorld rule file to this project. Click Finish.

    • Open the class that contains the main method. It is located in the package com.sample and has the same name as the project.

    • In order to execute the project, right-click the editor and select Debug As > Drools Application. Observe the output.

    • You can ignore the SLF4J warnings or download the latest version, extract the archive, and add the slf4j-simple-x.x.xx.jar to the project’s build path (right click the project > Build Path > Add External Archives > choose slf4j-simple-x.x.xx.jar > OK).